Must Have Sneakers Spring 2020
With spring finally upon us, now's the time to invest in sneakers that will keep you looking stylish all season long.
The footwear market continues to boom but it’s not heels that are winning consumer hearts, but sneakers.
Gone are the times when we’d giggle at hapless tourists wondering around with sneakers and baseball caps. These days, sportswear is everyday wear and athleisure has become high fashion. It’s a look, a lifestyle, an attitude that speaks of being comfortable with who you are and we couldn’t love them more.
With spring finally upon us here in the UK, women everywhere are ready to put away their wellies and winter boots. So here are the hottest sneaker trends too watch out for in 2020.
Chunky ugly sneakers
“When I was fourteen and first started going out, I always wanted to be the opposite of everyone else. I would go to the club in a polo T-shirt and pants and sneakers and a hat on backward, just so I would not be dressed like other girls.” - Rihanna
Oh, chunky sneakers. A flashback to the 90s but today the padded, grooved, high-grip soles of modern chunky sports sneakers are in and they are a must have for spring.
Textured sneakers
“There are sneakers that cost more than an iPod.” - Steve Jobs
Featuring new materials, and technical fabrics, for sneaker innovation galore. Metallics and high shine are also trending, with silver and rose gold the top picks.
Sports stars
“You don't need fancy sneakers to run fast” - Jon Bon Jovi
Sneakers you can actually exercise in. Imagine that! Some are for all sports; some are created to maximise performance in a specific sport.
The everyday sneaker
“I always wore sneakers when I wanted to. It was always about being comfortable and being myself.” - Whoopi Goldberg
This is where we like to play. Sneakers for work. For play. For everyday!
Check out Queenie, our wonderful classic sneakers in white with accent colours, which can be paired with any outfit.
Or take a look at Sway in black or blue snakeskin for a laid-back vibe.
What sets our sneakers apart? Simple silhouettes in premium leathers which will make you feel like a million dollars.